Mechanical Engineering (Automotive)

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This course has been designed to be relevant to the needs of modern industry and to produce graduates who have the personal and intellectual qualities to be successful in their chosen careers. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to play leading roles in a professional capacity in both industry and academia, and thus able to deal with issues at the forefront of our discipline. Mechanical Engineering is a professional discipline that is hugely important in day-to-day life, and supplies solutions to a vast range of sectors. Mechanical engineers design, analyse and manufacture machines that move using gears: from giant earth-moving machines and huge turbines in power stations, to all types of road and rail vehicles, space rockets and satellites. In the medical sector, Mechanical Engineers supply solutions in terms of life-saving equipment, life-enhancing artificial limbs, pacemakers, micro scale pumps and incubators. We also make industrial robots; the machines that make other products.

Mechanical Engineering at Birmingham produces graduates who are creative, highly numerate and skilled at solving problems and delivering results. We are a friendly community of self-assured professionals, determined to guide you to wherever your engineering talents will thrive. All our programmes are accredited and reflect the strength and longevity of our industrial partnerships. As one of our Mechanical Engineering students, a huge and exciting array of career opportunities will be open to you when you graduate – both at home and abroad. You could pursue a career in one of the major manufacturing industries (the UK has the 6th largest manufacturing base in the world); or you could work in other areas of science and technology, such as sustainable energy. Other areas that favour the problem-solving skills you will acquire are finance, law and marketing as well as teaching and/or research.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty is a Barbadian singer, songwriter and actress. Born in Saint Michael, Barbados and raised in Bridgetown, during 2003 she recorded demo tapes under the direction of record producer
1 students enrolled
LENGTH12 Lessons
SUBJECTEducation & Teacher Training

Table of Contents


Bootstrap 60 minutes

Introduction to CSS 30 minutes

Introduction to HTML 50 minutes

CSS 3 120 minutes

CSS Animations: Keyframes 60 minutes

CSS Animations: Transforms and Transitions 30 minutes

Advanced CSS: Layout With Flexbox 120 minutes

HTML 5 2 hours

Intermediate HTML 1 hour



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