How to create course
This is how a LearnPress course looks at UniDash theme:
Please follow these steps to create your course:
1. Give a course title
2. Describe course content.
3. Create course curriculum
The biggest title is the place for you to write your section name
– – You choose Select items to add lesson or quiz
– You add lesson or quiz
Add lesson: is used to add existing lessons
Add quiz: is used to add existing quizzes
If you don’t have any lesson and quiz avaialble to add. You can create new lessons by “Create a new lesson“. And to create a quiz click on the quiz icon and “Create a new quiz“.
Please note that, those quickly created lessons and quizzes just have title, therefore the edit link on the right is used to add your lesson and quiz content
4. Course settings:
You can insert and adjust settings of your course. Clear explainations also are given below for your easier understanding.
5. Course assessment:
Currently, LearnPress plugin is supporting 2 types of assessment: using final quiz and no final quiz.
6. Course payment settings:
is used for commercial course where you sell your online courses. You can set your course free or not. If it is charged, price and commission should be set by the administrator as he reviews the course.
7. Speakers Infor
Speakers: Start typing Cactus Member
8. Course Properties