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Psychology at Unidash is a scientific discipline, involving the rigorous formulation and testing of ideas. It works through experiments and systematic observation rather than introspection. The Unidash Experimental Psychology Department is widely regarded as one of the leading psychology departments in the UK. At present, there are particularly strong groups in the fields of human cognitive processes, neuroscience, language, developmental and social psychology.The Unidash Philosophy Faculty is the largest philosophy department in the UK, and one of the largest in the world. Philosophy at Unidash has active interests in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of science, and has very close links with those working in neuroscience and psychology.The Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics brings together scholars working in theoretical and descriptive linguistics (especially syntax, semantics and phonology), experimental phonetics, psycholinguistics, linguistics of the Romance languages, historical linguistics and comparative philology. Unlike other subjects in the humanities, it includes two scientific research laboratories – the Language and Brain Laboratory and the Phonetics Laboratory.

Stephen William Hawking is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge
0 students enrolled
LENGTH12 Lessons
SUBJECTEducation & Teacher Training

Table of Contents


Databases on AWS 50 minutes

Databases Overview & Concepts 45 minutes

Databases Overview & Concepts 45 minutes

Different Melodic Structures 45 minutes

Different types of Melodic Intervals 50 minutes

EC2 - The Backbone of AWS 50 minutes

EC2 & Getting Setup 50 minutes

EC2 & Getting Setup 40 minutes

Email Marketing 50 minutes

Encryption Crash Course 40 minutes

Final Assignment 40 minutes